MyTravel Europe
MyTravel Europe
6 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B. + 4 Nights MADINAH 3* - B.B.
от 553 €

6 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B. + 4 Nights MADINAH 3* - B.B.

Създаден: петък, 6 януари 2023 г. - Заминаване: сряда, 18 януари 2023 г.
ИД на препратка: 4162342
Крайна цена от 1.106 €
Създаден: петък, 6 януари 2023 г. - Заминаване: сряда, 18 януари 2023 г.
Дестинации: Mecca, Madinah

От началото до края

18 яну
Транспорт от Jeddah до Mecca
Haramain High Speed Railway - ... 05131
13:35 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
14:29 - Makkah City Center
54m 25 KG Без прекачване
Кабинен клас: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

18 яну
1. Mecca
Останете от
За дестинацията: Мека или Мекка, разположена в Западна Саудитска Арабия, е най-свещеният град в исляма. Всяка година милиони поклонници се събират в Мека. В резултат на това има много строителство, което да осигури настаняване на поклонниците, както и разширения на самата джамия. Не-мюсюлманите нямат право да влизат в свещения град. Мека също има много богата история, тъй като е много стар град, който е считан за свещен още от ранното Средновековие. В центъра на града се намира Свещената джамия, която се счита за най-святото място в исляма. Кааба се намира в центъра на Свещената джамия, всички мюсюлмани се молят в посока на Кааба, за която се смята, че първоначално е била построена от Адам и възстановена от Авраам и неговия син Исмаил. Други основни забележителности в Мека са Мина, хълма Арафат и Джабал Рама, пещерата Джабал Ал Тюр и джамията на Масджид е Танеем. Без съмнение, Мека е едно от най-духовните места на Земята.
Повече информация
18 яну
6 Нощи
24 яну
Транспорт от Mecca до Madinah
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...00140
14:00 - Makkah City Center
16:25 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
2ч. 25m 25 KG Без прекачване
Кабинен клас: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

24 яну
2. Madinah
Останете от
За дестинацията: Медина е град на север от Мека и вторият най-свет град на исляма. Град на мира и спокойствието, където се намират много исторически и археологически обекти, както и няколко исторически ислямски биткови места. Медина е богата на култура, наследство и музеи. Обширни плантации с дати и древни традиционни пазари (сукове) заедно с модерни търговски центрове и аркади обилстват в този град. Янбу е дом на някои от най-красивите плажове, със слънчева светлина, която гали кораловите рифове под морето като картината на уникален и рядко виждан пейзаж. Това е град на креативността, който се състезава с други градове по света. Мадаин Салех е предисламски археологически обект, включен в Списъка на световното културно наследство на ЮНЕСКО, разположен в провинция Ал Медина. Той се нарича също и Ал Хиджир. Когато влезете в района, ще се окажете заобиколени от свързани планини и отделни скалисти скали на обширен пейзаж. Мадаин Салех беше столицата и важен град на набатейците след Петра в Йордания.
Повече информация
24 яну
4 Нощи
28 яну
Транспорт от Madinah до Jeddah
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...07151
15:00 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
16:54 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
1ч. 54m 25 KG Без прекачване
Кабинен клас: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

Крайна цена от 1.106 €
да го персонализирате
Тази идея включва
Дестинации 2
Транспорт 3
Нощувки 2

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