MyTravel Europe
MyTravel Europe
4 Nights MADINAH 5* - B.B. + 6 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B.
S spletne strani 2.432 €

4 Nights MADINAH 5* - B.B. + 6 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B.

Več destinacij
Ustvarjeno: petek, 6. januar 2023 - Odhod: sreda, 18. januar 2023
Ref ID: 4162336
Skupna cena S spletne strani 4.864 €
Ustvarjeno: petek, 6. januar 2023 - Odhod: sreda, 18. januar 2023
Destinacije: Madinah, Meka

Vaš vsakdanjik

18 jan.
Prevoz od Džeda do Madinah
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...07130
13:00 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
14:54 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
1h 54m 25 KG Nonstop
Razred kabine: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

18 jan.
1. Madinah
O cilju: Medina je mesto na severu Meke in drugo najsvetejše mesto islama. Mesto miru in spokojnosti, kjer se nahajajo številna zgodovinska in arheološka mesta, skupaj z več islamskimi zgodovinskimi bojišči. Medina je bogata s kulturo, dediščino in muzeji. Obsežne nasade datljev in starodavne tradicionalne tržnice (Souki) ob modernih nakupovalnih centrih in arkadah so značilnost tega mesta. Yanbu je dom nekaterih najlepših plaž, kjer sončna svetloba boža njegove koralne grebene pod morjem kot sliko edinstvene in redko videne pokrajine. To je mesto ustvarjalnosti, ki tekmuje z drugimi mesti po svetu. Madain Saleh je predislamsko arheološko mesto, ki je na seznamu svetovne dediščine UNESCO in se nahaja v provinci Al Madina. Imenuje se tudi Al Hijir. Ko vstopite na to območje, se boste znašli obkroženi z medsebojno povezanimi gorami in ločenimi skalnatimi pečinami na razsežni pokrajini. Madain Saleh je bil glavno mesto in pomembno mesto Nabatejcev po Petri v Jordaniji.
Več informacij
18 jan.
4 Noči
22 jan.
Prevoz od Madinah do Meka
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...01143
14:50 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
17:09 - Makkah City Center
2h 19m 25 KG Nonstop
Razred kabine: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

22 jan.
2. Meka
O cilju: Meka ali Makkah, ki se nahaja na zahodu Saudove Arabije, je najsvetejše mesto v islamu. Vsako leto se v Meko zgrne milijone romarjev. Posledično je bilo veliko gradnje, da bi zagotovili nastanitev za romarje in razširitve same mošeje. Ne-muslimanom ni dovoljeno vstopiti v sveto mesto. Meka ima tudi zelo bogato zgodovino, saj je zelo staro mesto, ki se od zgodnjega srednjega veka šteje za sveto. V središču Meke je Sveta mošeja, ki velja za najsvetejše mesto v islamu. Kaaba se nahaja v središču Svete mošeje, vsi muslimani molijo v smeri Kaabe, za katero se verjame, da jo je prvotno zgradil Adam in jo obnovil Abraham in njegov sin Ismael. Druge glavne znamenitosti v Meki so Mina, hrib Arafat in Jabal Rahma, jama Jabal Al Thur in mošeja Masjid e Taneem. Nedvomno je Meka eno najbolj duhovnih krajev na Zemlji.
Več informacij
22 jan.
6 Noči
28 jan.
Prevoz od Meka do Džeda
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...05130
13:35 - Makkah City Center
14:29 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
54m 25 KG Nonstop
Razred kabine: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

Skupna cena S spletne strani 4.864 €
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